Providing power plant solutions since 1893
Engineering and manufacturing of piping systems.
Finow manufactures piping systems and components for power plants, the oil & gas industry, offshore wind farms, pipelines, and the construction industry at its production facilities in Eberswalde.
Our history
Acquisition of FINOW Rohrsysteme GmbH by Technoenergy AG Construction of a New Glass Bead Blasting Facility​
Production of J-Pipes & Grout System pipes for 56 jacket foundations of the offshore wind park Borkum Riffgrund 2 in Oersted.​
Induction bending for the “Leiding over Noord” project, which will supply Rotterdam and two smaller cities with waste heat from a large waste incineration plant.
The „Skelett“ for the spectacular roofing of the main square at Expo 2020 in Dubai comes from our production.​
First delivery project in Australia for Orica Yarwun.​​​
First module production (skids) for the gas intake station of the Nord Stream pipeline.​​​​