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Piping Spool prefabrication for nuclear power plants

Safely and thoroughly managed high pressure and temperature up to +600 °C between the steam generator and the turbine, including the area of the primary coolant system.


Main pipelines that connect individual units of the NPP and auxiliary elements of various parameters (pressure and temperature) and purpose. Depending on the transported medium (water, steam, steam-water mixture, or air), the radioactivity level, and the workload of pipeline systems (continuous or periodic), we develop the corresponding working design documentation (WDC) before manufacturing.

Main pipelines that connect individual units of the NPP and auxiliary elements of various parameters (pressure and temperature) and purpose. Depending on the transported medium (water, steam, steam-water mixture, or air), the radioactivity level, and the workload of pipeline systems (continuous or periodic), we develop the corresponding working design documentation (WDC) before manufacturing.

The individual components

Main pipelines that interconnect NPP individual units

Pipelines in the main circulation circuit

Auxiliary reactor circuits

Active slurry pipelines

Feed and condensate

Steam pipelines and drainage

High-pressure internal & external piping

Steam generator piping

Boiler piping systems

Primary coolant systems

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Geometrical conditions

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1,220 mm

max. outside diameter

120 mm

max wall thickness

4,500 t

max capacity per annum

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Manufacturing steps

  1. Engineering

  2. Prefabricating straight sections

  3. Inductive bendings

  4. Cold bendings

  5. Heat treatment

  6. Welding

  7. Non-destructive testing (VT, MT, PT, RT, and UT) and destructive testing (an in-house laboratory)

  8. Documentation

Are you interested in the product?

We are ready to prefabricate high-pressure spools tailored to your needs.

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The company was founded in 1893. It manufactures high-quality components for power plants, industrial and plant construction projects, offshore wind turbines, and pipelines. Also, the company covers all market needs regarding mechanical equipment for inductive and cold bending, heat treatment, cutting, welding, and mechanical processing.

FINOW Rohrsysteme GmbH. All rights reserved.


Provide pipes for power plants.


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